Thursday, April 30, 2009
Body Odor
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Biking Pictures
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Monday, April 27, 2009
Friends, naps, and a battle of wits
Her visit didn't end up being terribly exciting, but I'm always glad to help people catch up on sleep.
The Poop
You knew it was coming. Potty training. I've heard tales that potty training is awful and hard and messy and gross. Messy and gross, I can handle. No problem. But, I think I'm getting more than my fair share of awful and hard. Lillian is, to put it lightly, very resistant to potty training and I'm tired of waiting for her to come around. Well, I don't think she ever will come around, she's a stubborn one. Last week, I set out to break her.
Five thousand tantrums later, we're doing pretty well. No accidents yesterday and she even pooped in the potty, which has been one of the major sticking points because she hates Hates HATES pooping anyway. Really, the only way it happened was she told me she had to go and I made her (read: physically forced her) to sit on the potty until she went. It took about an hour. One hour of screaming and crying and ultimatums and saying "Lillian!" in that threatening Mom voice that I didn't know I had until I had children.
Speaking of that, I got a new calling as Primary Singtime Leader in which I teach songs to children 3 to 11 years old for two half-hour segments ever Sunday. My Mom and my sister have both held this calling quite successfully, so I felt like it was in my blood. Turns out, it is. Yesterday, I had all the kids (of which there are over 50) held in rapt attention while we learned "The Dearest Names" in sign language for them to sing on Mothers' day. It's times like this where I feel like my transformation into my mother is nearing completion, and as I get older, I realize that this is not necessarily a bad thing at all.
Five thousand tantrums later, we're doing pretty well. No accidents yesterday and she even pooped in the potty, which has been one of the major sticking points because she hates Hates HATES pooping anyway. Really, the only way it happened was she told me she had to go and I made her (read: physically forced her) to sit on the potty until she went. It took about an hour. One hour of screaming and crying and ultimatums and saying "Lillian!" in that threatening Mom voice that I didn't know I had until I had children.
Speaking of that, I got a new calling as Primary Singtime Leader in which I teach songs to children 3 to 11 years old for two half-hour segments ever Sunday. My Mom and my sister have both held this calling quite successfully, so I felt like it was in my blood. Turns out, it is. Yesterday, I had all the kids (of which there are over 50) held in rapt attention while we learned "The Dearest Names" in sign language for them to sing on Mothers' day. It's times like this where I feel like my transformation into my mother is nearing completion, and as I get older, I realize that this is not necessarily a bad thing at all.
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Cheese grater of death
Google has failed me.
Tonight when I was doing the dishes, I cut myself on the iron maiden side of the box grater. You know what I'm talking about. There's the regular cheese grater side, the cheese slicer side, the little grater side, and the side of death. I've cut myself on that side at least 12 times in my life.
I wanted to know what the heck that side is even for, so I Googled. And, I've got nothing. Well, I learned that it's called a coarse grater, but I have no idea what you would grate on that sucker, or how the heck you'd clean it after doing said coarse grating.
Anyone else have this problem?
Tonight when I was doing the dishes, I cut myself on the iron maiden side of the box grater. You know what I'm talking about. There's the regular cheese grater side, the cheese slicer side, the little grater side, and the side of death. I've cut myself on that side at least 12 times in my life.
I wanted to know what the heck that side is even for, so I Googled. And, I've got nothing. Well, I learned that it's called a coarse grater, but I have no idea what you would grate on that sucker, or how the heck you'd clean it after doing said coarse grating.
Anyone else have this problem?
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Monday, April 20, 2009
When Mom was here, Nora was extra fussy and she said, "Obviously, you're not feeding her enough." We had our 4-month visit today, and I think her assessment is false.
Wt: 17 lbs, 3 oz (99th percentile)
Length: 26.6 in (99th percentile)
Head size: 16.5 in (70th percentile)
Length: 26.6 in (99th percentile)
Head size: 16.5 in (70th percentile)
Mom's solution to Nora's fussiness: solid foods. Here's Nora's introduction to solids. She was perplexed, at best. By the end, Mom was putting the food in her mouth and then forcing her head back in hopes that the food would just slide down her throat.
The doctor said she looks great except for the fact that she can't roll from her front to her back. I think she just got too big too fast and her muscles just couldn't keep up.
Friday, April 17, 2009
Colossal Caves
Cousin Visit
Thursday, April 16, 2009
I wanna reach out and grab ya

I don't remember where I read this, but back in the way back time, people thought that the word ABRACADABRA held healing powers and one of the most popular cures was to write one letter of the word every day and by the time you got to the end, you'd be healed. Maybe I heard this in nursing school, but most diseases with a low mortality rate, like strep throat or chicken pox, last from 5-10 days without treatment. The ABRACADABRA cure even gives you an extra day's leeway.
Do I feel better because the new antibiotic they put me on worked?
Do I feel better because the old antibiotic just took a minute to work?
Or, do I feel better because I've reached ABRACADA?
Whatever is it, I'll take it.
I did have a Big Mama moment yesterday. In the post, Big Mama gets back from a trip and finds her house a mess and resolves then and there to fire her maid. I had this moment too, except I was coming out of the haze of sickness. She says:
I'm sure we've all felt this way at one time or another.And then I remembered that I am the maid.
I wish I could fire myself, but I don’t know if I could find anyone else who would be willing to clean my house in return for a cold Diet Coke and all the change they can find in the couch cushions or the pockets of [my husband]’s jeans.
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
That song is too sad Mom

Lillian often asks me to sing her a song. Last night, I sang, for whatever reason, "Part of Your World" from The Little Mermaid. She started on my lap but after a few bars, she crawled off and sat just in front of me so she could look at my face. As the song progressed, her face got sadder and sadder. Then, right at the end, she burst into tears. Big, ugly, uncontrollable tears. She dragged herself onto my lap, buried her face into my shoulder, and between sobs, she said, "That song was too sad, mom."
Sicker than I've ever been ever.
Everyone has been asking after me, so I thought I'd let you all know that I feel terrible. I'm sick. Very sick. My throat has all but closed off, making it very painful to swallow. I've been really trying to force myself to drink fluids, what with the breastfeeding and the inordinate amounts of sweating I've been doing, but it's come to the point where I would rather drool than swallow, so I think I'm getting dehydrated on top of everything else. Just sitting here, typing this, my pulse is at 116 bpm.
The antibiotics they gave me don't seem to be working, which means it's a virus and that I'll have to just wait it out. Tyler is anxious to get back to work which makes me feel bad, but there's nothing else I can do.
I called the nurse hotline to ask a question about taking Tylenol.
Me: (Explains whole situation) So, it's the fever that's going to help kill of the virus, so should I be taking Tylenol to control my temperature?
RN: We consider a temp of less than 102 safe.
Me: So I shouldn't take Tylenol unless my temp goes over 102?
RN: Right. What bothers you most?
Me: My throat really. It is beyond painful to swallow.
RN: You should take some Tylenol for that.
Me: Won't that bring my temperature down?
RN: Yes... why is that a problem?
When I went to Urgent Care, the MD offered to prescribe me something stronger than Tylenol to deal with the pain. I said I had stuff left over from my delivery. This morning was the first time I took them.
I even told Tyler whom he is and whom he is not allowed to marry in the event of my passing, I feel that bad.
The antibiotics they gave me don't seem to be working, which means it's a virus and that I'll have to just wait it out. Tyler is anxious to get back to work which makes me feel bad, but there's nothing else I can do.
I called the nurse hotline to ask a question about taking Tylenol.
Me: (Explains whole situation) So, it's the fever that's going to help kill of the virus, so should I be taking Tylenol to control my temperature?
RN: We consider a temp of less than 102 safe.
Me: So I shouldn't take Tylenol unless my temp goes over 102?
RN: Right. What bothers you most?
Me: My throat really. It is beyond painful to swallow.
RN: You should take some Tylenol for that.
Me: Won't that bring my temperature down?
RN: Yes... why is that a problem?
When I went to Urgent Care, the MD offered to prescribe me something stronger than Tylenol to deal with the pain. I said I had stuff left over from my delivery. This morning was the first time I took them.
I even told Tyler whom he is and whom he is not allowed to marry in the event of my passing, I feel that bad.
Friday, April 10, 2009
Hot Potato Mouth
I moved back home for about six months when I was 19. During this time, I worked two jobs: one at High Valley Construction, answering phones, and one at Blockbuster. My sister Amy was my boss at HVC and one day, thought I looked a little peaky and sent me home early so I could sleep for a little bit before working my night shift at the video store. I showed up to job number two and my whole body ached, this was a Thursday. Friday morning, I felt like I had been hit by a truck. My skin hurt, I had a fever, sore throat, and I had the shakes. I waited (and cried) for my mom to finish teaching her piano lessons that afternoon so she could take me to Urgent Care. We were greeted by a 3-hour wait during which time I shouted obcenities at some small children who were making too much noise in the waiting room. Upon admittance, I pulled down my pants and told them to give me "the shot." I don't think I was quite myself. The next day, I went to fill my prescription and for some reason, the pharmacist showed me the antibiotics that I would have to swallow, and I burst into tears right there at the counter. He didn't speak very good English and had no idea how to comfort me. As he awkwardly laid his hand on my shoulder, I told him I wanted my plant.
See, my mother had 7 children and would accomplish all that grocery shopping by filling up a cart and leaving it at the front of the store while she filled her second cart. One particularly trying day, she left her full cart at the front and when she returned with the second, she found that some helpful clerk had put away all of her hard-fought groceries. She burst into tears and the store manager felt so bad that he gave her a houseplant.
I wanted a plant too. Such is strep throat.
Then, a few years later, one month after I got married, I got strep throat again. We were poor and didn't want to pay to have my throat cultured because I was pretty sure I knew exactly what I had. The doctor said he thought it was strep too because people who have strep throat talk like they have a hot potato in their mouth.
This morning, I woke up with a hot potato mouth. Beware of strep throat all ye that enter here. My Mother's helpful words of advice as she left to go back to California: don't breathe on your children.
(She did say other helpful motherly things, but I just thought this one was the funniest.)
See, my mother had 7 children and would accomplish all that grocery shopping by filling up a cart and leaving it at the front of the store while she filled her second cart. One particularly trying day, she left her full cart at the front and when she returned with the second, she found that some helpful clerk had put away all of her hard-fought groceries. She burst into tears and the store manager felt so bad that he gave her a houseplant.
I wanted a plant too. Such is strep throat.
Then, a few years later, one month after I got married, I got strep throat again. We were poor and didn't want to pay to have my throat cultured because I was pretty sure I knew exactly what I had. The doctor said he thought it was strep too because people who have strep throat talk like they have a hot potato in their mouth.
This morning, I woke up with a hot potato mouth. Beware of strep throat all ye that enter here. My Mother's helpful words of advice as she left to go back to California: don't breathe on your children.
(She did say other helpful motherly things, but I just thought this one was the funniest.)
Thursday, April 09, 2009
Kids say the darndest things
My Mother-in-law and sister-in-law, and 2 nieces and 3 nephews just left from paying us a 4-day visit. Here's some funny things those kids said:
We visited Colossal Caves. Our tour guide warned us that there was some low-hanging formations and that anyone over 5'7" will have to crouch down.
My mom (who is also here (party at my house)):Well, I don't have to worry about that. (She's 5'1" or 2")
Maddy: Me neither, I'm six years old.
After dinner, a couple people pitched in and helped.
Grandma Ball: Well, that went fast with all those people helping.
Me: Well, like my mom always says, 'many hands make light work.'
Ty (age 8, I think): Yeah, well, many hands also make a lot of messes.
Maddy: Aunt Amanda, what are you going to be when you grow up?
Me: I don't know Maddy, what do you think I should be?
Maddy: A nurse maybe. I'm going to be a pizza chef and no one will change my mind.
later that night
Maddy: When I grow up I'm going to live in Washington D.C. and be a secretary.
Me: Oh, a secretary of what? Defense? Transportation? Education?
Maddy: Um.... Elevators. Yeah, Secretary of Elevators.
We visited Colossal Caves. Our tour guide warned us that there was some low-hanging formations and that anyone over 5'7" will have to crouch down.
My mom (who is also here (party at my house)):Well, I don't have to worry about that. (She's 5'1" or 2")
Maddy: Me neither, I'm six years old.
After dinner, a couple people pitched in and helped.
Grandma Ball: Well, that went fast with all those people helping.
Me: Well, like my mom always says, 'many hands make light work.'
Ty (age 8, I think): Yeah, well, many hands also make a lot of messes.
Maddy: Aunt Amanda, what are you going to be when you grow up?
Me: I don't know Maddy, what do you think I should be?
Maddy: A nurse maybe. I'm going to be a pizza chef and no one will change my mind.
later that night
Maddy: When I grow up I'm going to live in Washington D.C. and be a secretary.
Me: Oh, a secretary of what? Defense? Transportation? Education?
Maddy: Um.... Elevators. Yeah, Secretary of Elevators.
Saturday, April 04, 2009
How Nora broke my heart
Thursday, April 02, 2009
As requested
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