Monday, July 13, 2009

The First Days of Idaho

These flowers were by a gas station outside of Blackfoot. They're a little crazy looking, I think.

And, these two flowers were on the same plant. What kind of plant has two different kind of (crazy) flowers?

Then, these giant dandelions were growing nearby. Wacky place that is.

The drive up to Challis from SLC is supposed to take 5 hours. Things were going well and we were humming right along when we hit this 5 mile stretch of gravel (which is a part how they pave roads up there) and had to slow down to 10 mph. I don't know if you guys can do the math on that, but let's just say that it took a little longer than 5 hours.

Yeah, there's nothing out here.

This is the number mountain in Arco, the first nuclear powered town in the US. Perhaps this explains the freak flowers.

Lillian exploring mining techniques at the museum at the junction.

Lillian didn't dig anything up, but she found this baby.

After Tyler took this bike out for a spin (without Lillian, she just hopped on for the picture), he began to casually pepper me with questions like, "so, how much do you think dirt bikes cost?" "if we saved up, could we buy a dirt bike?" "can I get a dirt bike, I'll take good care of it and take it on rides, and read to it every night?" Well, maybe I'm exaggerating, but I could tell he REALLY wanted one.

We can buy a dirt bike, but I want a piano first, and I'm not budging.

Not pictured: Tyler outshooting all of the Idaho boys with his secret shotgun skills.


Myriah Cohen said...


Oh the days.

The cool thing is that it is basically all nice and green in the summer, so you got to look out onto green fields, not brown ones.

And how much do pianos cost?

Stephanie said...

I'm not surprised the flowers are freaky in Idaho. It is a weird place. And the water tastes horrible!

Anonymous said...

Freaky Flower! I love it!

Cheryl said...

the crazy flower(s) = thistles
thistles = evil!
Oh, and I actually like the drive up to Idaho (where there is nothing but fields). But don't think I would like that lame road.

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