Friday, February 06, 2009

Till Dermatitis Do Us Part

So, I've been wearing this ring for quite some time. Recently, I got a rash under the ring, so I took it off. The rash went away after about a week, so I put the ring back on. Then the rash came back, so I had to take the ring off again. This may or may not have contributed to me getting hit on when I was without children or husband on the UofA campus. I'd just like to think it's because I'm extremely good looking.

Tyler has a nervous habit of taking his ring on and off, on and off. This has started to irritate his knuckle and it's hurting a lot, so he took his ring off to try to retrain his hands to do something else. Thus, for a week or so, neither of us has been wearing our wedding rings.

When I was on my now famous grocery store trip of last Monday, I wasn't wearing my ring and with the elderly Asian woman staring at me, I felt self conscious. I could just hear her thinking, staring at my left hand, wondering why I didn't have a husband. Either feeling bad for me that I was abandoned with two small children, or condemning me as a woman of ill repute.

So, I started wearing Tyler ring as, depressingly, our hands are the same size.


Myriah Cohen said...

You know, when it is obvious someone is judging me incorrectly, I sometimes like to live up to their expectations. For example, in your grocery store situation, I might have said to Lillian and Nora, "If only we had a father to help us with the groceries...but your father, Lillian, is in jail, and your father, Nora... well...we had to get rid of him and his drunken ways, didn't we? I guess that's what you get when you meet a man in a strip club." And then go about your business, just make sure the lady can her you. She would feel scandalized, I'm sure. It sounds like a good time to me.

Also, when those boys hit on you, did you immediately think of their STD/I status? Because I always do.

Usandthings said...

Myriah, you have got to quit that job. It's messing with your brain.

Bluebell said...

Austin and I have the same size hands, too. His fingers are a little longer but I can wear his ring.

michelle m said...

It's better than wearing the same size pants. Sometimes our jeans get mixed up...

Allison said...

You could wear it on a chain around your neck. No offense... but is it too tight right now? I had a ring this happened too because the skin couldn't breathe under there.

Allison said...

Also... to make you feel better... my ring hasn't fit since I got pregnant with Jack and Brian lost his in the ocean 2 years after we were married.

Emily said...

I don't know Myriah-but I think that's awesome. I loved having you guys over-thanks again for making the trip. We had a great time.

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