Sunday, February 24, 2008

Purloined Family History (150th post)

I was watching this series on PBS called African-American Lives which is, incidentally, very interesting, but not what this post is about. The series got me all fired up about my own ancestry and how I don't really know a lot about anything. I started thinking about how even our immediate history has been broken up between the kids (even though some sources assert that Chad has a disproportionate amount.) So I thought I'd do my part and share the little pieces I have, which isn't much.

These are all the pictures I have of our parents when they were young. The two square pictures say 1970 on them, which is the year Mom and Dad got married, so that makes sense. The other pictures, I'm not sure when they were taken. Can anyone help me out?

Maybe after I graduate, I'll come visit Brea and scan everything everyone has and make CDs for all the kids.


Myriah Cohen said...

Chad's a genealogy hog!

Anonymous said...

You'd be surprised what Chad has!

Bluebell said...

That would be really cool if you made a cd for all the sibs. I know Austin would appreciate it.

The Duke said...

Yes. Yes I would.

Allison said...

Yeah.. I have nothing.

Anne said...

also nothing. thanks for sharing!! i love the one of mom and dad on the couch... when were they cool?? gosh that must have been a long time ago!!

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