Sunday, December 14, 2008

Sand Art

These are out of order and I get frustrated trying to move them around. I'm sure you can figure it out. Today is Lillian's last day as an only child; I'm scheduled to be at the hospital tomorrow morning at 7:30. As of tomorrow, her life will in nowise resemble the life she has now, so I tried to make this morning a little special. How to special up any kid's life? An art project.

My sister-in-law suggested as a place to get ideas, and man, is it great. If you've got a kid, I'd highly recommend checking it out. This project uses salt.

Half a cup of salt with 15 drops of food coloring. Mix it together in a plastic baggie and then transfer it to salt shakers. Draw on paper with a glue stick then go to town shaking the colored salt all over the glue.

Ta Da! The website suggested this as an outside activity, but it worked just fine at our kitchen table.


krissiecook said...

Nice art, good luck. Tell Lillian to enjoy it while it lasts.

Anne said...

Wait a minute... does your blackboard read "Change Lillian's Sheets" but you are using a delta sign? And had Tyler written down "Pine for Wife" as a to do?? Just a few things I'm wondering..

Myriah Cohen said...

I did an art project on Sunday, and I felt very special. I'm sure Lillian felt special too.

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